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August 2013

Cultural Heritage

How Can Cultural Heritage and Language Be Preserved via ICT?

In a world that is becoming increasingly global, we still need to respect the local context. Especially language, which is the most important tool for transmitting culture from one generation to another. The loss of a language, or even just the subtleties of a language, is in fact, the loss of culture. We all know […]

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The Role of Language in Knowledge Society Educational Systems

Many developing nations have committed themselves to becoming Knowledge Societies in the near future, approving development plans for horizons extended  10, 15 or 25 years, with a view to  substantially change their economies.  But this implies that most of their citizens will have to be connected to the Internet, and moreover, will have to be […]

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Lenguas Indígenas y Educación en México

[original post in Spanish – brief summary in English at the end] 1. Consideraciones sobre la diversidad A pesar de que existen diferencias genéticas dentro de la especie humana, podemos decir que estas variantes son superficiales, por lo que los humanos somos biológicamente iguales y constituimos una sola especie (Skutnabb-Kangas et al., 2003). La diversidad […]

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MIT-Haiti Initiative Uses Haitian Creole to Make Learning Truly Active, Constructive, and Interactive

An MIT-Haiti Initiative to modernize and democratize education in Haiti Until today, quality education in Haiti has been available only to very few. This is due to brutal socio-economic impediments, including a well-entrenched language barrier: French, the primary language of instruction, is spoken by a tiny élite (no more than 10% and perhaps as low […]

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El uso de las TIC en la preservación de las lenguas originarias de Latinoamérica

. [original post in Spanish – brief summary in English at the end] El tema de los pueblos originarios y más específicamente, el subtema lenguas, ha sido relegado desde la noche de los tiempos. Varios son los motivos para que esto sucediera, y varios por los que posiblemente no siga sucediendo. Este panorama se viene […]

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