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May 2013

Public vs Private Schools

Is Technology a Silver Bullet for Private Schools But Not for Public Schools?

As we move into the third decade of the technology revolution, our schools worldwide are finally taking heed. Today, we are hard pressed to find a public school where students, teachers, and principals had never heard of the mobile phone. 5 years ago, we could not have made that statement. That being said, most teachers […]

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We Should Celebrate Educational Technology in Affordable Private Schools

Governments, foundations, and the private sector are all engaged in the task of providing a quality education to the millions of children who are born into poor socio-economic circumstances throughout the world. This is crucial because education is seen as the most certain vehicle for breaking the cycle of poverty. As institutions embrace ways that […]

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Technology in Education is Classist

A debate between Private School technology and Public School technology is actually a debate between Rich kids technology and Poor kids technology. Is it not? Rich isn’t just about money, its also about the luxury of time and the human capacity to prioritize where to invest money and time to get the greatest return for […]

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